A spiritual view on the Corona crisis

Crisis? What crisis?

I notice that I often disagree with publications. Not just with the ‘official’ ones, which I often find incomplete and sometimes even trivial, nor with the so-called ‘alternative’, which I often find much more trivial and misleading. Both are poles of a global response to the Corona event. And both seem to be out to instill fear.
But instead of going against it, I’ll give my own take on the current state of affairs. A view that I have rarely encountered elsewhere.

The current crisis, I believe, is one for Conscious Choices, directed by a Higher, Heavenly Power.
It is a worldwide, inescapable crisis, in which it is increasingly unclear what Truth is; where one opinion may be as true as the other. A crisis in which we cannot really know who to believe.
And I think that’s the key: you have to make a choice yourself and from within yourself, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Not because someone says this or that. As long as it’s YOUR sincere choice, it’s the right choice.
I no longer believe that only one choice is right. Every choice has consequences and pros and cons.
And why this global crisis now?

In the Heavens it is apparently judged that humanity is ripe for coming of age.
That means that we are invited to stop thoughtlessly obey, to follow someone. And also to go beyond rejecting and opposing all forms of authority.
Three phases can be distinguished in growing up; the childhood, puberty and adult phases. This applies to individuals, but also to peoples and humanity as a whole.
The childish phase is one of obeying (if necessary under protest) authority. That authority can be imposed or self-selected. The authority bears the responsibility and provides security. Thinking is out of the question.
The subsequent adolescent or pubertal stage is one of starting to think (which means not automatically understanding) and resisting authority and certainly not blindly obeying.
The mature stage involves forming your own opinion with your own intelligence and deciding who you can consider a useful and authentic authority and deciding moment by moment what to obey or not.

For the purpose of existence is the development of intelligent Consciousness, ever greater, grander and more encompassing, until your personal consciousness falls away and merges into the One Consciousness.
I deal with the situation in my own, intuitive way.
I am informed by all kinds of parties and I detect a slight preference for the views of official sources. Not because they have a monopoly on wisdom, but because what they say makes the most sense to me in the given situation. I don’t believe in complicated global conspiracies.
Not so much because it can’t be true (I can’t know), but because I think it’s highly unlikely.
In my opinion, the current governments are mainly plagued by a too materialistic worldview, on the basis of which they have to take far-reaching decisions.
Must, because doing nothing and deciding nothing is not an option for a government. And there is always criticism. Or for making a decision or for not making a decision or not on time. And maybe the wrong one.
And, luckily for me, the measures do fit my living situation and lifestyle. I don’t feel affected in my freedom if I have to wear a mouth mask or keep 1,5 meters away and can no longer just go to a cafe or restaurant. I’m more of a hermit type anyway. I have also not been vaccinated until now because a number of arguments against the vaccines seem sensible to me.
But I’m not against it at all costs and may go for it if I think it makes sense.
I wish everyone a lot of wisdom in finding their own, correct truth. I do, however, urge you to respect each other in a choice made and not to ridicule each other.

First published in the December 2021 Macro Droom.
The Macro-droom is the quarterly magazine of the Macrobiotics Association Low Lands (vmll.org).