My deepest understanding of life

My deepest understanding of life, of why we live at all, is that we must surrender.
Surrender? Why and how?
Because being a separate feeling being means suffering.
And about the how is this website. On the basis that it doesn’t matter what you surrender to as long as you surrender.
How does being a separate feeling involve suffering?
On this extremely universal question only an extremely individual answer is possible.

First of all, you have to ask yourself whether this suffering is true. Most people do. That doesn’t necessarily mean constant suffering. Luckily not! But in every life I’ve ever encountered, there are moments or periods of suffering. That seems to be part of ‘life’. At least in life as a human being on earth. Even when you seem to have everything together, anyway, there is usually (sometimes deep inside) a nagging feeling. Of dissatisfaction or unfulfillment or an unrecognizable feeling of homesickness. Ever aptly expressed (in the Netherlands) by Dutch band Doe Maar:  ‘Is dit alles wat er is?’ (‘Is this all there is?’)
Regardless of what ‘this’ is exactly. Regardless of everything you have, know or are.
People who have “everything”, like billionaires, or professors, doctors, or religious teachers who know a lot, or people who are a celebrity or a statesman know it (though some are not likely to admit it). And those who have completely and radically opted for the other side by having and being as little as possible also suffer, although they will suffer less from it.
There is always (much) more to have, to know or to be. Literally infinite.

The remedy that has been recommended (rightly) for many centuries by many, many different sources is to have, to know, to be LESS. To the point of having NOTHING, to know, to be.
In that point of NOTHINGNESS you coincide with the total, also called God.

To get to that point, many different and diverse methods have been proposed throughout the ages. Many have developed into a religion, a philosophy, or a doctrine. Throughout time there have been Beings in human form who have offered a way to get to that point of NOTHING. Often also in the form of arriving at SOMETHING; peace, contentment, wisdom.

This website was created because in my opinion EVERYTHING in life has value in this venture; human existence. Yes, literally EVERYTHING! Also the many things I don’t agree with or don’t understand as a personality. My basis in this is: If God allows it to exist, who am I to want it gone. I assume then that I don’t fully understand it to want it gone. In the course of my life I have come to understand more and more.

I am a researcher of the mechanisms of existence. First, as a child, only in the realm of physical mechanisms. Later the field of psychology and since the 1980’s spirituality. Each area is infinite and interesting in its own right, but the last area was the most helpful to me. Because that’s where the answers of life come from.